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 · 12 ratings  · 7 reviews
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Jessica Rodrigues ☕ (decafJess)
Short review:
I seriously loved this book. Seriously. I loved the first one when it came out a few years ago and did a re-read right earlier The Falling Star for the full effect and it was delightful.

Longer review to follow when I am less overwhelmed with things I have to do~

Jan 12, 2021 rated it really liked it
I´ve been waiting for ages for this book, and it was worth every second of the look. The Blazing Star, the kickoff book in this serial, was i of the first ebooks I´ve ever read and it was the distraction I needed to help me through a hard time in my life. I´ve always loved ancient Egypt, enough to study Egyptology, so a book dealing with time travel and the chosen one and all other tropes I dearest, written past a black author was something I couldn´t pass upward.

The two books in this series each ha

I´ve been waiting for ages for this book, and it was worth every 2d of the expect. The Blazing Star, the showtime book in this serial, was 1 of the kickoff ebooks I´ve ever read and it was the distraction I needed to assistance me through a difficult fourth dimension in my life. I´ve ever loved aboriginal Egypt, plenty to study Egyptology, so a volume dealing with fourth dimension travel and the chosen ane and all other tropes I beloved, written past a black writer was something I couldn´t decline.

The two books in this series each accept their own POV, with Portia, one of the twin sisters narrating the firs, and Alex, the other one, the second. It´s a very interesting pick, and one I really appreciate, because this gives both girls the time to shine they need, and it highlights their relationship, and the unlike views they have of their situation. Considering at the heart, this is the story of two sisters finding their way back to each other.

Portia has e'er been in her vivid sisters shadow, and she has started to resent that, especially since Alex planned out both their lives. So when they time travel to ancient Arab republic of egypt, and she finally finds her place, something she is good at, Portia takes to that like a fish to h2o. She finds love, people she cares about, a new destiny she can brand her own.

And for Alex, information technology´s the exact opposite. She misses the life she but in Chicago, her father, her boyfriend, she wants to go back and nothing to exercise with all that, and the sisters clash over that. I would argue it´south a necessary clash, because things get aired which have built up over years. They demand to clash to observe each other again.

And when Alex gets separated from her sis and is forced to make her way alone in the Hyksos capital of Avaris, she has to bargain with all that. Her wish to get back, the promise she made her mother on her deathbed, the fact that her life might now be in the past, that she and her sister were born in this time, that they have a fate to fulfil. She struggles and she fights against that, and watching her make her own way, learning to accept her new life and carving out her place there is amazing. She´s a very headstrong character, who makes mistakes and falters and can get stuck in her ways and plans, simply is also willing to fight for those she loves and to right the mistakes she makes.

The human relationship betwixt the 2 sisters is 1 big plus for the book, but I have to talk about the other things which drew my attention, and this is the world building. This book is amazingly well researched, taking place in a period of time which does not become a lot of attention when it comes to aboriginal Egypt, the fourth dimension shortly after the end of the Hyksos dominion and the aftermath. Of course the writer takes some liberties; this is a novel after all, a fantasy one too, but there is so much care taken in how to depict the world and the people, and every bit an Egyptologist I can only prise the inquiry taken.

The plot was engaging and I loved that it takes time to focus on building the world and the characters inhabiting it, and I loved watching Alex acquire more of her powers and the disharmonize betwixt the gods slowly coming to a caput. The one thing I could criticises is merely a pet peeve of mine, just *sighs* If someone, anyone writes an Egyptian fantasy, and at that place´due south a bad guy needed, in 99% it´due south 1 god everyone turns to. I´m not going to mention this god's name, because it's kind of a spoiler, but really you know whom I mean. It´south always the aforementioned one and I´d honestly kill for a story which doesn´t turn them into a purely bad guy and deals with the nuances and the conflict which arises from the fact that this god is simply as much good as they are evil. Even so, information technology´s well handled in here, that´s just me wanting more for my favourite Egyptian god.

All in all, The Falling Star is a relaxing, engaging read, and if y'all like ancient Egypt, practice yourself a favour and pick up this series. You won´t regret it! And for me, I´m now settling in to await for the next volume.

...more than
Note: This is the second book in a series that should be read in order. If you are new to the serial, you tin check out my review of book one HERE

The Falling star is the 2d volume in the Blazing Star series, which is a young adult fourth dimension travel fantasy past Imani Josey. I actually enjoyed the first book in the series, where we joined sisters Alex and Portia on a journey back to ancient Egypt. If y'all are a fan of books featuring sisters, so I think you will really enjoy this magical tale that Imani

Annotation: This is the second volume in a series that should be read in order. If you lot are new to the series, yous can bank check out my review of book 1 Here

The Shooting star is the second volume in the Blazing Star series, which is a young adult time travel fantasy by Imani Josey. I really enjoyed the starting time volume in the series, where we joined sisters Alex and Portia on a journey back to ancient Egypt. If you lot are a fan of books featuring sisters, then I think yous volition really enjoy this magical tale that Imani Josey crafted. It is perfect for younger readers of young adult fiction as well every bit older readers. I loved that Imani Josey decides to switch upwardly the narration bespeak of view in this installment. The first volume was mainly told through Portia'south signal of view, who is sick of being stuck in her smart and accomplished sister's shadow. She really came into her own in Ancient Egypt. Her superstar sis, Alex nonetheless; was a different story.

The Shooting star is told through Alex's betoken of view. I loved that Imani Josey did this because information technology actually gave u.s.a. readers the run a risk to get to know her and larn nigh some of her challenges. She is so different than her sis Portia, but when she is in Ancient Egypt we really offset to see her struggle and experience out of place for maybe the first time in her life. She misses her her life dorsum home. In it is in this volume that we really get to know Alex on a much better level. I enjoyed a deeper swoop into who Alex is and watching her learn more almost her powers.

The conflict in The Meteor also starts to ramp up, and we see more discord with the Gods. I really enjoyed seeing Alex in her role as a tutor. Based on the prior book, I had always felt that Alex had it all together, but watching her struggle with her magical abilities and struggle to stand up for herself made me able to chronicle to her a lot more. Information technology also was super satisfying to see her grow throughout the story. I was auspicious her on while at the same time hoping for Alex and Portia find a way abound closer as sisters. I recall this series is perfect for readers who savor fourth dimension travel adventures and who can appreciate a well done sibling relationship. Watching the sisters come dorsum together and empathise how it feels to be in the others shoes was really wonderful. I am also super interested to see how the sisters are going to fulfill their destiny and make it back home. Overall, I really enjoyed this story. This book was a lot of fun and I can't wait to proceed on with the series. Information technology does feel a little on the younger side of YA with the writing and content level, which makes it great for readers just looking to venture into the immature developed fantasy world.

Isabel (The Reader & The Chef)
I received this book for free from Author, MTMC Tours in commutation for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. You lot can also find this review at The Reader and the Chef.

I started reading The Falling Star right after finishing The Blazing Star and let me say that binge reading both books was the best decision always! The Blazing Star series is AMAZING, I seriously enjoyed every moment of it!

At present in this sequel, our MC is Alexandria, Portia'southward incredibl

I received this book for free from Author, MTMC Tours in substitution for an honest review. This does not affect my stance of the book or the content of my review. You tin likewise find this review at The Reader and the Chef.

I started reading The Falling Star right after finishing The Blazing Star and permit me say that binge reading both books was the all-time determination ever! The Blazing Star serial is AMAZING, I seriously enjoyed every moment of it!

Now in this sequel, our MC is Alexandria, Portia's incredibly smart twin. She wakes up disoriented and slightly ill after her disagreement with her twin and she doesn't recognize where she is. Later on she gets taken cared of past a family, they decide to take her to a nearby Egyptian temple and seek for help. But on their way they get intercepted by a Hyksos sergeant and his soldiers and that's how Alex suddenly finds herself in her way to a palace where she becomes a tutor to imperial children.

Aah, I couldn't get enough of this book! Alex is such a kind soul, I was e'er rooting for her. She was constantly fighting for her desperate desire to find Portia and Selene so they could go back home, but at the aforementioned time doing her all-time to fight the evil lurking around. Not to mention that she was as well getting to feel her new heka (magic) abilities and learning to control them was not an easy job.

Along the way, we see several new characters that I really liked. First we have Itet, who is one of the majestic kids and she is the sweetest of them all and carries effectually her pet crocodile! Then there is Suhad who happens to be one of the few friends Alex has on the palace. And terminal merely not least, is general Raia, who I didn't know what to think of at first only ended up really liking him.

The Shooting star is action-packed, fast-paced and I loved that among the chaos there was as well time for sibling reconciliation and friendship bonds. 1 of my favorite aspects of this book was that fifty-fifty though Alex is a soft and gentle character, you tin can meet her grow and become the violent heroine she was all along and I found that inspiring! I cannot wait to keep reading this series and see what comes next in Portia's, Alexandria's and Selene's story!!

Enigma Squeaks
December 06, 2020 rated it really liked it
Disclaimer: I was gifted the early release of this book in exchange for a honest review.

WOW!! That's my first reaction.
For me, this book is movie ready, it has all the scenes set, atmospheric descriptions, the cross betwixt erstwhile word and new world, different regions. it is awesome!

Now, I have to say that on outset endeavour, I was not gripped, two chapters in and I initially thought "what have I agreed to" notwithstanding I am glad I gave information technology a second go because it is a really good story though it was out of

Disclaimer: I was gifted the early release of this book in substitution for a honest review.

WOW!! That's my showtime reaction.
For me, this book is movie ready, it has all the scenes set, atmospheric descriptions, the cantankerous betwixt old word and new world, different regions. it is awesome!

Now, I take to say that on get-go attempt, I was not gripped, two chapters in and I initially thought "what have I agreed to" however I am glad I gave it a 2nd go because information technology is a actually adept story though information technology was out of my initial comfort zone/my usual genre of go-to-books.

As Imani Josey has only only released the book I shan't spoil it for you but the characters and the nuances, the cross betwixt 2 worlds, the intwined stories with the sisters- Portia & Alexandria's lives with the Egyptian world. The heartbreak of their mother, the friendships forged along the mode nevertheless temporary. The Guard(ian) (I really like - always seems to pop up when required).

Who would accept thought that being presented with a gift could catapult yous into a whole new identify and time where sickness takes concur aslope the stirring of something more powerful- 1 where you can speak another language, feel and instinctively know magic.

I've picked a line to sum it up without me ruining it for you:
"After Portia touched the scarab in Mr. Pomey'southward grade and fainted, it had all grown steadily stranger."

Josey has managed to capture the feel of ancient Egypt whilst also staying in this time. If you like adventure, fantasy, sisters- protectors, angelic beings and fantasy battles then this is 100% the volume for you.

Mini spoiler:
I found information technology hilarious that the reason Portia stopped talking to Alexandria amongst the properties of the whole story, was over a boy and she merely really confesses to this towards the end. Ha haaa!

A really great read!
Imani Josey
The Shooting star
The Falling star

...more than
May nineteen, 2021 rated information technology information technology was amazing
THE BLAZING STAR saw Portia, Alex, and Selene magically transported to ancient Egypt where they were separated and trying to discover their style dorsum to ane some other. THE Meteor sees them finally reunited, but nevertheless very much stuck in the past. Where Alex is a have-charge, brilliant, very successful young adult female in current times, we got to run into a very different side of her this time around. She's facing challenges and situations that she'due south certainly not used to, and combine that with how much she THE BLAZING STAR saw Portia, Alex, and Selene magically transported to ancient Egypt where they were separated and trying to observe their way dorsum to one another. THE FALLING STAR sees them finally reunited, but still very much stuck in the past. Where Alex is a accept-accuse, brilliant, very successful immature woman in current times, nosotros got to see a very different side of her this fourth dimension around. She's facing challenges and situations that she'south certainly not used to, and combine that with how much she misses her life in the present day she'southward not adapting as well as Portia did. Nowadays day is where Alex shines similar the sun, but it's Portia who takes the spotlight in the past and I loved seeing their role reversal. THE FALLING STAR is Alex'southward book, and I appreciated seeing everything from her POV. Her journey and her experience in Egypt is much different than Portia's, simply the end goal is the same — get back to twinning so they tin brand their manner home.

Much like the beginning book, this one is just every bit atmospheric and rich and I loved being transported back to ancient Egypt. The world building in this series is admittedly incredible, and Josey seamlessly blends fantasy with plenty of Egyptian history and really makes you feel similar you lot're correct on the riverbanks with Portia or in Hyksos aslope Alex. I also liked that this book gives a more in-depth look at fate and fulfilling destiny and how that all ties in to the twins getting "stuck" in Arab republic of egypt, and it'll be actually interesting seeing how that aspect is resolved.

The dynamics between the sisters remains my favorite office of this series. They have their ups and downs as plenty of siblings practice, but it'southward their position equally twins that makes it and so unique. They're opposites, they accept dissimilar hopes and dreams, and I like watching them sort of navigate this catchy position of wanting individuality while still wanting to twin and remain shut with their sister. More than and so on the part of Portia, though Alex is slowly agreement why Portia needs this so much.

Bottom line — THE FALLING STAR is a fantastic second entry in Imani Josey's The Blazing Star series. A fast-paced magical chance, and I tin can't wait to see what the adjacent volume brings.

*Many thanks to MTMC Volume Tours and the author for providing a re-create for review.

Russell Ricard
The Falling star, volume two in Imani Josey'due south YA Fantasy series The Blazing Star, is a thrilling follow upwards to book 1. The series' activity centers around an intertwined journey of cocky-discovery for seventeen-year-quondam twin sisters Portia and Alexandria White who possess "birthright" magical powers.

Volume 1 is told in Portia'south vocalism. (In book i, Portia touches an artifact in history form. She time travels from gimmicky Chicago to aboriginal Arab republic of egypt. By novel'south end, she remains trapped within a yard

The Falling star, book two in Imani Josey'southward YA Fantasy serial The Blazing Star, is a thrilling follow upward to book one. The series' activeness centers around an intertwined journey of cocky-discovery for seventeen-year-old twin sisters Portia and Alexandria White who possess "birthright" magical powers.

Volume one is told in Portia's voice. (In book one, Portia touches an antiquity in history class. She time travels from contemporary Chicago to aboriginal Egypt. By novel's end, she remains trapped within a monarchial lodge.) Book two, nevertheless, anchors on Alexandria's point of view wherein she'southward too transported to aboriginal Egypt in pursuit of rescuing her sister.

Author Josey adeptly challenges Alexandria, who serves as an hole-and-corner tutor in purple gild, with a vast backdrop of emotionally potent, activity-packed conflicts. Fantasy elements matched with a clever narrative pattern of fourth dimension travel elements brand for a cinematic read; the impeccably vivid, visceral action, and settings of aboriginal, monarchial Egypt are riveting.

Heartfelt, too, are the relationship dynamics betwixt the sisters; a realistic window into the process of growing pains from immature adulthood into adulthood—and as twins! Equally well, layers of parental influences that impact the sister's lives are endearing, particularly the weaving in of memories of their deceased female parent.

Ultimately, Alexandria struggles to safely navigate the dangers of ambivalent monarchies, whether or not she tin flee with her sister, and what it means to deal with her hereafter in the by.

An emotionally fulfilling read with a jaw-dropping catastrophe that perfectly sets the stage for book three in the series. Brava!

...more than
Imani Josey is a author from Chicago, Illinois. In her previous life, she was a cheerleader for the Chicago Bulls and won the titles of Miss Chicago and Miss Cook County for the Miss America System, too every bit Miss Black Illinois United states of america.

Her ane-act play, Grace, was produced by Pegasus Players Theatre Chicago after winning the 19th Annual Young Playwrights Festival. In recent years, she has turn

Imani Josey is a author from Chicago, Illinois. In her previous life, she was a cheerleader for the Chicago Bulls and won the titles of Miss Chicago and Miss Cook County for the Miss America Organisation, likewise as Miss Black Illinois USA.

Her comedy play, Grace, was produced by Pegasus Players Theatre Chicago afterward winning the 19th Annual Immature Playwrights Festival. In recent years, she has turned her sights to long-form fiction.

The Blazing Star was her debut novel; it is followed by its sequel The Falling star.


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